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JUN1st, 2020

Happy Pride Month!

Hello! June is here, which means it is Pride month! This year, Pride is much different with a pandemic going on, so please make sure to stay safe out there.


School this year has thrown many students into an environment they are not familiar with. If you know someone who needs help with Music Theory or Composition because of missing in-person schooling, I am offering lessons via Zoom or Skype. If interested, please use the contact page on this site to send a message; we can discuss scheduling, needs, and costs to make sure your student gets what they need.


I still have commission slots available for those who are interested! I write solo, small ensemble, and large ensemble works and can work with you to fit into your budget. If interested, use the contact page on this site and we shall go from there!

Current Events...

As many of you know, a man named George Floyd was murdered by a police officer, and protests and riots have been happening around the United States. I will say this now: I stand with those who are rioting. The system has hurt black citizens for far too long; it is too corrupt to fix and needs to be dismantled and rebuilt from scratch.


Donate to organizations who can help those protesting. Give each other supplies and support to stay safe from the hot weather and those who would seek to harm those protesting. Stand up to those who would harm or kill someone because of who they are. 


To those in the arts who are black: if you need help or performers or even just shares, let me know. I will support you. The arts are for everyone, and I want your voices and creations to be shared. If you want a fellow artist to rant to, contact me. I'll listen, and help however I can. I want to be better for you.


For those who do not agree with me and may try and argue even though they "aren't racist": leave this site. I refuse to deal with those who think that only peaceful protests should be done when you told them no. I refuse to debate if someone should have the same rights because they're black; it's not a debate. If this idea that they should be equal enrages you, leave me alone. I do not want your money or time or resources. Also, if you choose to send hate mail to me, I won't even bat an eyelash; I have been hurt and called so many things that your insults will mean nothing to me.


To those who are hurting, to those who are protesting:


I see you.

I hear you.

I stand with you.



JUN18th, 2019

Happy Pride Month!

Hello everyone and - to all my LGBT+ community members - Happy Pride Month! As a bisexual woman, it makes me proud to see more and more people who step out and finally express themselves so they stay true to who they are. Sometimes it's hard, but as a community we're here to support each other and I want you to know I support you and love who you are. I hope everyone is safe while they celebrate the LGBT+ community and how far we've come as a community. We've made progress over the years and still have a ways to go, so let's keep it up and keep pushing forward to make sure everyone has the same rights and safety we all deserve.

Senior Recital Part 2!

While the summer comes and everyone is getting ready for what's to come, I will be prepping for my next recital this upcoming fall in November! This recital is all of my compositions I've written since 2016 and will even have some premieres of current pieces I'm writing. Stay tuned for more details as we get closer!

Band Music!

This past spring, I was commissioned by a lovely friend of mine to write a piece for her middle school band (how exciting!) based on some well known and loved West Virginia tunes. I'll let you all know when the piece is done and (if I can get a recording, fingers crossed) I'll even let you guys here the performance! On a similar note, if anyone wants a composition, my commissions are now open. Go to my contact page to find my email and social media accounts to get in contact with me if you are interested!

MARCH 24th, 2019

The countdown begins!

Well, the countdown to my recital is starting! It will be this upcoming Friday, March 29th, and I am so excited to play some exciting music and talk about just a handful of the women who composed amazing music over the centuries. Two of them, Barabara Strozzi and Clara Wieck Schumann, are celebrating anneversaries this year: Strozzi's 400th and Schumann's 200th! What an exciting year for women in music! If all works well with technology, I will be recording a video of the lecture to share (fingers crossed I have good luck with computers that day!).


The shop is open!

Good news! My shop is officially running and open for business! If anyone wants to buy physical or digital copies of my music, everything is available in the shop tab at the top of the website page. Any questions about purchasing music should be sent to

JANUARY 5th, 2019

New Year, New Music!

Hello all and Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a safe holiday season and that all of you are ready to take on a new year. Exciting news on the music front: I have finished my piece Through History We RISE AND I will be premiering the fifth movement of it at my Senior Saxophone Recital (capstone one out of two!) on March 29th, which is in the super near future! I am definitely proud of this piece and I cannot wait to get a live recording to you guys. But, until then, I will have to release MIDI files to you all. In fact, here is a sneak peek at the piece right now! This is the MIDI for the final movement, 'V. Samantha', which is the movement based on my composition style; it serves as the journey from then (6th grade of all times!) to now. Enjoy!

Through History We RISE, V. Samantha - MIDI File
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